Management 2000


Click on names or photographs to see CVs


Carys Gwilym Carys Gwilym

Carys is having a wonderful start to the year! She is currently recording the voice of Blodyn, a Smurf, with Cwmni Da AND the voice of Ffion the chicken in the Welsh version of the cartoon series Coop Troop , with Lefel Dau! She is also filming "Effie", directed by Marc Evans.

Jenny will shortly be working with "Scary Little Girls" in association with Theatre Chipping Norton on their next production, "In the Footsteps of the Mitfords", directed by Rebecca Mordan.
Jenny Johns 
Billie Hindle Billie Hindle

Billie is currently taking part in an ongoing podcast with Rusty Quill.


Millicent will be filming "Turpentile Falls" later this month, directed by Oscar Lowe.
Millicent Mackenzie
Ruthie Gwilym Thomas Ruthie Gwilym Thomas

Ruth will be joining the cast of "Rownd a Rownd" for an episode or two later this month.


Management 2000 ◊ 11 Well Street ◊ Treuddyn ◊ Flintshire ◊ North Wales ◊ CH7 4NH
Tel: 01352 771231